The CATR 2024 Conference wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of the following supporters:
Conference Hosts

Département de littératures et de langues du monde/Department of Literatures and Languages of the World – Université de Montréal
Foundations and Institutes

CATR acknowledges the support of the Government of Québec’s Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC)

Press Sponsors

Lead Sponsor
University of Toronto, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies
University of British Columbia, Department of Theatre and Film
Major Sponsors
Dalhousie University, Fountain School of Performing Arts
Associate Sponsors
McGill University, Department of English
University of Ottawa, Department of Theatre
York University, Department of Theatre
University of Victoria, Department of Theatre
University of Manitoba, Department of English, Theatre, Film & Media
University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Fine Arts
University of Alberta, Department of Drama
Contributing Sponsors
Simon Fraser, School of Contemporary Arts
Carleton University, Department of English Language and Literature
University of Regina, Department of Theatre
University of Saskatchewan, Department of Drama
University of Windsor, School of Dramatic Art
University of Winnipeg, Department of Theatre and Film
TheatreAgora Project Funding