Welcome to TheatreAgora.ca.
TheatreAgora.ca, a joint venture between la Société québecoise d’études théâtrales (SQET) and the Canadian Association for Theatre Research (CATR), is a hub for theatre scholarship and research of all kinds, and a venue for building connections between theatre scholars from across the country.
We hope you will return often to discover new ideas and new colleagues. We are welcoming applicants from either association to join our initiatives. If you are interested in helping to steer the future of TheatreAgora.ca, please reach out to info@theatreagora.ca.
TheatreAgora.ca exists on University of Waterloo webspace. The University of Waterloo acknowledges that much of our work takes place on the traditional territory of the Attawandaron (Neutral), Anishnaabeg, and Haudenosaunee peoples. Our main campus is situated on the Haldimand Tract, the land promised to the Six Nations that includes ten kilometres on each side of the Grand River. Our active work toward reconciliation takes place across our campuses through research, learning, teaching, and community building, and is centralized within our Indigenous Initiatives Office.
COMING UP: Confessions scéniques : dispositif, théâtralité et réinvention du réel
En collaboration avec le CEAD, les chercheur·euses de l’Axe théorie et critique de la Société québécoise d’études théâtrales (SQET) vous invitent le 19 décembre prochain à un 5 à 7 rassemblant les auteur.rices Anne-Marie Olivier et Dany Boudreault pour discuter de l’influence du témoignage dans leurs démarches d’écriture. La conférence-discussion sera ouverte au public en présentiel dans les locaux du CEAD et en ligne via ThéâtreAgora.ca
Call For Submissions: Quels théâtres de l’en-commun? Apprendre, accompagner et être ensemble (Which Theatres of the In-Common? Learning, Supporting, and Being Together)
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 5 au 7 juin 2025
To read the full call for submissions, click below
“Just Meetings” Commissions
Curated by Jordana Cox, “Just Meetings” is a collection of works from CATR and SQET members. Click below to view the pieces and read more about each work, the collection as a whole, and the artists involved.
Call for Proposals: Theatreagora.ca 2024-25 Programming
Host an online workshop, performance, teach-in, or stand-alone conference on TheatreAgora.ca, the virtual meeting place of CATR and SQET!
This virtual venue is available free-of-charge to CATR and SQET members hosting events in any language. Benefits of hosting an event on TheatreAgora.ca include:
- Reliable, accessible homepage for event information and access
- Bilingual (French and English) cross-promotions to CATR and SQET members
- Bilingual (French and English) day-of tech support
- Advice on finding and funding translators (French-English/English/French) and interpreters (ASL/LSQ) if desired
- Connections with incredible theatre scholars across the country
Please email TheatreAgora.ca Curator, Jordana Cox at info@theatreagora.ca with any questions, and a brief (1-2 paragraph) description with your idea, proposed date(s), and possible format. (Alternately, a brief phone call/oral proposal is possible, if preferred).
Submissions will be considered on a rolling basis, ideally 4-6 months in advance. The curator will evaluate submissions, in conjunction with the committee, based on:
● Potential to contribute to scholarship and/or practice of theatre and performance studies.
● Engagement with ethical and political implications of the research and/or practice.
● Technical feasibility.
Bilingual, translingual, and multilingual submissions are encouraged, but not required.
The TheatreAgora.ca committee is comprised of the following members:
Fraser Stevens (Co-President), Nicole Nolette (Co-Chair), Jordana Cox (Curator), Jake Nevins (Technical Director), Corinne Viau (Technical Director), Cassandre Chatonnier, Katrina Dunn, Andy Houston, Jane Koustas, Jeanne Murray-Tanguay.